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Music Ministry at Christ the King

The mission of the music ministry at Christ the King Lutheran church is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through music.  Martin Luther wrote, "Music is the Handmaiden of Theology".  So with a philosophy of ministering with the congregation rather that performing  for the congregation, the musicians of our program strive to enrich the worship service experience through a variety of scripture based, meaningful selections.  We encourage excellence, teamwork, commitment, creative development and spiritual growth.  The music ministry at CTK focuses on providing opportunities for all musicians who desire to be a part of music ministry.  The only requirement is a desire to serve the Lord faithfully and joyfully.


The Choir

The choir enjoys a rich legacy at Christ the King.  Around 30 volunteer members rehearse to provide a select repertoire of religious music in various musical styles, both a cappella and accompanied by various instruments.  From baroque to bluegrass, the Choir proclaims the Christian message!  The group is open to high school youth and adults of all ages.  This group rehearses Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm in the choir room or sanctuary.


The King's Klingeltone's

The Klingeltone's Bell Choir performs once a month, September through May, and for special occasion services such as Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter.  Rehearsals are Tuesday evening at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary.


Special Summer Music

From Memorial Day through Labor Day, the choirs take a little time off, so summertime provides opportunities for soloists, or small groups to prepare special musical selections for Sunday worship.  A sign-up sheet forthe special summer music is posted on the bulletin board outside the Music Director office or you may call Chris Buttram to join the schedule.

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1700 Bagnell Dam Blvd, Lake Ozark, MO 65049, USA

(573) 365-5212

©2019 by Christ the King Lutheran Church.

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