Celebrating 25 years
at Lake of the Ozarks
(573) 365-5212
Home of The King's Academy
The Generosity Effect
The Happiness Lift
The more people volunteer, the happier they are. Compared with those who never volunteer, the odds of being very happy rose:
7% Among those who volunteer monthly
12% Among those who volunteer every 4 to 4 weeks
16% Among those who volunteer weekly
Get involved. No matter your age, you can benefit from donating your time to a worthy cause. If you are looking for a new volunteer opportunity checkout this booklet.
(This information taken from the Thrivent Magazine 2017)
Dear Christ the King Member,
Congratulations on being a member of Christ the King Lutheran Church! We thank the Lord of the Church that he brought you to the congregation. We rejoice that you are part of the family in this place and we can’t wait to see the adventures our God has in store for us in the years to come!
The mission of the congregation is simple and practical:
Chris the King Lutheran Church exists to develop committed Christians. We exist to help people come to KNOW Christ, to GROW in Christ, to SERVE Christ, and to SHARE Christ.
Our congregation does not exist to maintain the status quo. This is not a group of people who are committed to remaining comfortable at all costs. We are an active and engaged part of the Body of Christ. We do our best to serve our Lord and fellow man. In short, you are part of a group of people who act on their faith, not recline in it.
In the pages of the packet you have found information concerning a majority of our activities, servant opportunities, and ministry areas. We hope that you will be motivated to jump in and fully participate in the vibrancy of the mission here in this place. If you have any questions about what we do, when we do it, why we do it, or how you fit, do not hesitate to contact Pastor Lehenbauer, myself or any of the ministry leaders here at Christ the King. Once again, we thank God that you are here and we are looking forward to serving alongside you!
Your Fellow Servant,
Rev. Kristopher M. Morris
Bible Study / Sunday school Opportunities
Bible Class Leads, develops, prepares and publicizes the classes through the church ministry, for men and women.
Sunday School Prepare lessons and teach Sunday School class, to Children of all grades.
Teacher (Sub) Be the backup for teachers who are ill or out of town.
Cancer Leader Develop a support group and lead study activity for the weekly meeting.
Grief Share Provide and lead the bible study activity for the weekly meeting.
Ladies Bible Study Lead weekly bible study on Tuesdays.
Men’s Bible Study Lead weekly bible study on Mondays.
Young Mothers Develop a weekly bible study.
LWML Perform mission activities and social events for ladies of the congregation. Circle of Grace is based at church,
Seasonal A variety of occasional needs, like being a Greeter at an Advent or Lenten Service, also helping with the Christmas program.
VBS Vacation Bible School needs many volunteers to make the week-long program successful.
Usher Foster a friendly environment and hand out bulletins. Collect and take attendance pads to mailroom. Straighten out Hymn books.
Attendant Manage the coffee and donuts between services. Wash pots and Store left-over in the refrigerator. Help clean up sanctuary
Greeter Greet people at the door. Take visitors to the guest book. Give welcome packet to new visitors. Help clean up the sanctuary.
Altar Guild Change vestments each church period. Maintain the candles. Provide communion ware and clean up.
Choir Practice music weekly from September to May, then sing with Choir at services.
Praise Team Select and practice music that relates to the worship environment. Present worship music periodically.
Soloist Select and practice music that relates to the worship environment. Present worship music periodically.
Handbells Practice and perform at worship services and possibly other venues.
Acolyte Junior Youth will light and extinguish candles for each worship service as scheduled
Evangelism Become a member of the Evangelism team.
Attend meetings and participate in activities.
5th Sunday Join the Team that plans, coordinates, and serves our Fellowship Sundays. About 4 a year.
Gospel Gardener Assist with Fall and Spring grounds clean-
up. Plan, plant, and maintain flowers and shrubs.
Angel Food Provide meals and clean up for funerals and
members as needed.
AV Booth Help run audio and video as well as record services.
Parish Education Meet monthly to direct the Sunday School teachers, VBS programs, bible study teachers and leaders. Appoint leaders and facilitate the Youth program.
Stewardship Board Meet monthly to assimilate new members into the church family. Track membership information – Spiritual Gifts, Activities, Training. Plan, implement, and evaluate results of giving programs. Track small group creation.
Stephen Ministry Stephen Ministers interface with members and the community when asked to provide Christian comfort and companionship during personal crisis. They receive extensive training and skills from their Stephen Leaders.
Elderly Call Tree Makes daily calls to the elderly single members of the church to determine that the person is well and doing okay.
Small Group Organize a small group of fellow believers to gather together around the Word, encouragement, and prayer.
Youth / Service Opportunities
VBS Director Pray for, organize, and manage the VBS volunteers
Station Leader Lead one of the main stations each VBS day Crafts, Storytelling, Games, Snacks, etc.
Crew Leader Lead Bible story discussions and lead group from one station to the next each VBS day.
VBS Decor Help create the set, rooms, and decorations for VBS.
Children’s Church Teach children’s church lessons on Sunday mornings through crafts and activities.
Youth Group Assist with various youth activities, fundraisers and events. Meets on Wednesdays.
Hope House Work on site at the Hope House Center pricing, unpacking, organizing clothing, food and household items. They need help anytime they are open. Christ the King staffs the Hope House the second week of each month. Also, the Hope House food drive is every second Sunday of the month.
Comfort Dog Team Dog Handlers and Assistants go to local venues to meet with groups to share the joy of companionship and comfort. May travel to disaster sites when appropriate.
Sailing Solo Single people in the community meet monthly at various venues to enjoy local attractions, socialize, and experience fellowship
The King’s Academy
Library Help check in/out, organize books and helping the children
Reader Periodically come in and read to our children.
Tutoring Grades Kindergarten through 7th grade in Math or Reading.
Kitchen Help for about 1 ½ hours per day to prepare, serve and clean-up for lunch one to five days a week.
Teacher’s Aid Copy and Cut things out for our teachers
Playground Supervise recesses for all classes
Traffic Before and After school control traffic flow for one to 5 days a week
After School Help organize and run sports activities in basketball, volleyball, and cross country
Fundraising Several events throughout the year, bookfair, flower sale, scrip sales, box top collection, carnival and Gala. Preparing, soliciting donations, organizing setting up and taking down
Other Short-Term Opportunities
Christmas Decorating Lenten Meals Book Fair
Fifth Sunday Meals Scrip Card Sales Gala
Flower Sales Lunch Room Duty Recess Duty
Alter Vestment Changes Camp Read-a-lot Funerals
School Year End Carnival School Plays VBS
Teacher Appreciation Interramal Sports Library Days
Spring & Fall Clean Up Rummage Sale Hope House
Parking for Local Events Cookie Sale