Celebrating 25 years
at Lake of the Ozarks
(573) 365-5212
Home of The King's Academy
What is Stephen Ministry? Stephen Ministry equips Christ the King members to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to people in our church family who are experiencing difficulties in their lives.
Our Stephen Ministry is grounded in Jesus’ command to love one another and our Stephen Ministers have responded to Christ’s call to “…carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Gal.6:2)
Who is a Stephen Minister?
Our Stephen Ministers are:
Children of God who volunteer to walk beside a hurting person
Caring Christians who really listen and provide support and encouragement
A member of CTK with 50 hrs. of training in how to provide confidential, distinctively Christian care
Our Stephen Ministers are NOT:
Counselors or therapists
Stephen Ministers Care for People Facing Tough Times
We all experience challenges in life – times when we could benefit from care and support. Stephen Ministers can provide the emotional and spiritual care we need when faced with a crisis or difficulty such as –
Loss of a loved one
Divorce or separation
Loneliness or discouragement
Spiritual Crisis
Unemployment or a job crisis
A terminal illness
Birth, adoption, miscarriage, or infertility
A chronic illness
Recovery after an accident or disaster
Many other life challenges
If you are facing one of these challenges, we encourage you to consider allowing a Stephen Minister to walk with you during your time of need. God doesn’t expect you to bear your burdens alone.
How does someone get a Stephen Minister?
If you or someone you know could benefit from the confidential, one-to-one care and support of a Stephen Minister, please talk with one of the pastors, Stephen Leaders, or our Stephen Ministry Referrals Coordinator OR fill out the CtK Connection Card located in the pews in the worship center.
How do I become a Stephen Minister?
If you would like to learn more about serving in this ministry, talk to a Stephen Minister, Pastor or call any of our Stephen Ministry Leaders.
Contact Information:
To speak to a Pastor, call the church office at 573-365-5212 or email
To speak to a Stephen Leader, call:
Joe Hanebrink 573-280-9124
Donna Broccard 573-365-9157 (Referrals Coordinator)
Ginny Wagner Beck 573-745-0660
Tania Maschhoff 217-741-3971
Carole Olivarri 573-480-3869